
Welcome to silver & silicon, my photography blog, thanks for stopping by!

I am not a professional photographer, and I’m not convinced I would like to be one either. I work as a software engineer for a huge multinational but that’s about all you’ll hear about the day job here. This is about my enthusiasm for photography as a hobby, as an art and as a craft – even a science.

I love photography, and have done since I first discovered that you could use machines to record almost anything you could see. I have a small collection of cameras and I’ve taken pictures with almost all of them just to see what they’re like. I build pinhole cameras when I want to do something I can’t do any other way – or just for fun.
While I’m somewhat a gear head I don’t believe that the latest technology is the only, nor necessarily the best way to take a photograph. I’m comfortable shooting film, and I like to experiment.
This blog is intended to be somewhere to collect my thoughts about photography in a more detailed way unsuited to flickr. But feel free to head over to flickr to see more photographs than you’ll find here.

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2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Great Blog, will visit often, discovered you googling Epson Scanners!

  2. Thanks! It seems from my wordpress stats I get a lot of traffic that way.

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